Valuation Secrets You Never Knew

amount  you can set up default terms blue mountains Valuers like this  is a default amount a default term that  we use I can say payment do net  which  is which for some of you guys don’t know  net  is  days  um this is also notes you gonna have  visible to clients something

I read  lately a simple thank you for your  services guarantees that your implicit  spade quicker than not saying anything  at all  makes sense thank you for your services  now from here you can save it as a draft  you can send it via email or if you have  a particular client that just does not  have email and they like the whole way  send it by snail mail you can buy stamps

  hits and it’ll just take off from your  stamps that Eve only purchased I mean  it’ll automatically send it to your  client for you but we’re going to send  this to um via email so we’ll go ahead  and hit send by email it’s gonna pop up  now as soon as I upgrade my account I  can change this text here we’re saying  sent using fresh books but I can kind of  say sent invoices ears or two from JD to  entertainment and then I change the  message immediately right now  you also have an option oh it’s not the  talking payment down I’ll show you okay  pretend it’s the option

that you have so  any okay so yeah so this is what its  gonna say it’s going to send a client I  said to view your invoice from JJ Beach  entertainment in the amount of blah or  to download PDF free records click the  link look it’s late best regards boom  sent done it gets sent down now I’m a  log in to my my gmail account so you  guys can see what the client would see  when they on get this alright guys so  we’re logged in to my like Google Gmail  right now and this is the email that it  would send to your client you up it’s  actually cool when you upload your your  logo on to the system it actually  changes all the colors that match your  logo so it sends the invoice

to view  your invoice from JJ DJ entertainment or   or to download a PDF copy  where your records click the link below  and then it certainly you take Visa  MasterCard PayPal which on the back end  and all options you guys can say you  take you can also can add and discover  Amex you know whatever you want to  whatever you want so as a client now the  client will click this link and it takes  them to their own portal of the website  and